Wisdom from Chinua Achebe’s “Arrow of God”
Chinua Achebe’s novel “Arrow of God” is a treasure trove of insights into human nature and society. One line that stands out is:
“You cannot plant greatness as you plant yams or maize. Whoever planted an iroko tree — the greatest tree in the forest? You may collect all the iroko seeds in the world, open the soil, and put them there. It will be in vain. The great tree chooses where to grow and we find it there, so it is with greatness in men.”
This quote, rich with metaphor and wisdom, prompts us to reflect on the elusive nature of greatness. How does greatness manifest, and can it really be engineered? Let’s delve deeper into this intriguing perspective.
The Iroko Tree: A Metaphor for Greatness
The iroko tree, known for its durability and height, serves as a powerful metaphor for greatness in Achebe’s quote. Just like an iroko tree, greatness cannot simply be planted and cultivated through mere intention. Despite our best efforts to “collect all the iroko seeds in the world,” greatness, Achebe suggests, has a mind of its own.
The Illusion of Control
Many of us like to believe that we can cultivate greatness through sheer willpower, planning, and effort. We think of greatness as something to be achieved through a series of well-calculated steps. However, Achebe challenges this notion by emphasizing the organic, almost mystical nature of greatness. It “chooses where to grow,” defying our attempts to control or predict its emergence.
The Role of Environment and Circumstances
Greatness doesn’t exist in a vacuum; it is often the result of a complex interplay between individual talent and the surrounding environment. Much like how a tree requires the right soil, climate, and conditions to grow, greatness too needs the right set of circumstances to manifest. It is often discovered rather than created, emerging naturally rather than being forced.
A Humbling Perspective
Achebe’s quote serves as a humbling reminder that while hard work and ambition are important, they are not the sole determinants of greatness. Some individuals, despite their best efforts, may never achieve the level of greatness they desire, not due to a lack of trying, but perhaps because the conditions were not conducive for their greatness to flourish.
The Beauty of Uncertainty
The unpredictable nature of greatness adds a layer of mystery and excitement to life. Not knowing where the “great tree” will choose to grow keeps us alert and open to possibilities. It encourages us to be humble, acknowledging that there are forces beyond our control that contribute to the shaping of greatness.
The wisdom encapsulated in Achebe’s line from “Arrow of God” provides us with a nuanced understanding of greatness. It urges us to look beyond the simplistic notion that greatness can be manufactured through calculated efforts. Instead, it invites us to appreciate the organic, unpredictable, and often mysterious nature of greatness.
In doing so, we may find that the journey towards greatness becomes less of a structured path and more of an adventurous exploration, leaving us more receptive to the myriad ways in which greatness can manifest in our lives.